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Manford Primary School

What do parents and children say about our school?

Our most recent parent survey was completed in the Autumn Term 2023:

yes99% of parents say their child is happy at Manford

yes97% of parents say their child feels safe at our school

yes94% of parents have been happy with the school's actions if they have raised concerns


"Excellent school with great teachers


"Very pleased with Manford Primary and both my children are doing well. Mrs Donnelly thank you and to your staff for all their hard work, in teaching the children and keeping them safe."


On National 'Thank a Teacher' day in June 2024 these are some of the messages from children:

Thankyou for....

"...having faith in me when I didn't have faith in myself" J in Year 6

"...helping me when I am in problems with people" N in Year 2

"...for always celebrating with us when we succeed!" I in Year 5

"...for telling me new things" H in Rec

"...teaching me that making mistakes is OK" A Year 6

" me advice about being a young leader" V Year 4